About Us

A bit of history
The Oxford Dictionary would tell you that a Bodger is a person who “repairs something badly or clumsily”.
But not that long ago the word Bodger had another meaning, the “Bodgers” of Britain were proud woodturners working away in the countryside of Buckinghamshire, between London and Oxford.
The bodgers were skilled and inventive woodworkers spending decades mastering the skills and techniques to work and turn green wood on a pole-lathe, a treadle-powered lathe (an ancient and simple device that would turn billets of wood at speed allowing their turning chisels to elegantly and quickly remove/shape wood for chair parts)
The Bodgers would work Beech, directly from the woods, using a saw and axe to shape ready for turning. They then formed chair legs and spindles to be sent to furniture manufacturers to be paired up to with other chair parts.
Modern days
Today the Bodgers are a group that are made up of pole-lathe turners and green woodworkers from Britain and around the world. We have organised an association dedicated to a community made up of professionals, hobbyists, and all those interested in crafts and heritage skills that use green wood or work within woodland settings.
We are lucky to not only have incredibly talented pole-lathe turners and green woodworkers in our midst, but our community includes a diverse range of spoon carvers, bowl turners, chairmakers, basket/whisket makers, coracle/boat makers, blacksmiths/bladesmiths, leather workers hurdle makers and charcoal burners to name but a few.
A Bodger is once again a word associated with skill, technique, and craft using green wood.

Message from the Chair