Hi Please could you promote the following Call for Entries to your members, thanks! Apply for any of our 2022 events: Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, Victoria Baths Manchester 13-16 October GNCCF online, Spring 21-22 May GNCCF online, Christmas 3-4 December GNCCF Manchester and GNCCF online are premier curated selling fairs, showcasing the very best of contemporary craft from professional designer-makers, and attracting a discerning audience of buyers and collectors. Applications are now invited from new and established designer-makers and recent graduates, working to the highest standards in ceramics, glass, jewellery, metal, leather, wood, interior textiles, fashion design & accessories, mixed media, basket-making, product design, furniture, print-making and more. For all our fairs, we welcome applications from diverse and talented makers, whatever their background or professional qualifications, and particularly encourage applicants from those groups which are currently under-represented in the craft sector. Great Northern Events, is a not for profit organisation and is supported by Arts Council England. Applications open February 1st -28th. For further details and to apply online please visit: https://www.greatnorthernevents.co.uk
Ann-Marie Franey
Email : ann-marie@greatnorthernevents.co.uk